potato for sale

Long time no see... things have been swirly around here. Many changes, big changes, live upside down changes. New goals, new roads new adventures and also a lot to leave behind, let go, and look back at.
But finally my potato ring is for sale in the shop. This beautiful bold silver 925 potato shaped ring is completely hollow and very thin. It makes it very light and comfortable to wear.
The concept of this ring is that it will dent by wearing it, having its own scars trough time... making it a unique piece, one that is formed by you. Maybe you can even tell the events that happened when it dented in that particular area or when you scratched it doing 'something' 'somewhere'.
I want to let you know that I will be lifting my prices on the 4th of July. So this is your chance to buy that ring you always wanted for a very very good price. I also will be adding some more new jewelry. There is a hidden ring on its way :)
till soon!


20 June 2007