munch, rothko and newman

Last Friday I went to the MOMA, for free. Normally it costs $20 but on Fridays between 4 and 8 it is target free night. You just need to like standing in line for a bit and be in the museum with hundreds of other people. I went to see the Munch exhibition...but unfortunately the big piece, the Scream 1893, is still missing after it was stolen from the Munch museum.
There is also a temporary exhibition of New Architecture in Spain. A lot of models to see, really nice. And then of course, there was my favorite painter Mark Rothko. I took a very bad photo of this beautiful black and grey painting. I couldn't find a photo on the web so you have to do it with this one.
Also this weekend there is an Art Fair organized by the ADAA in New York. Here you could buy a Barnett Newman painting for $14.000.000 and a lot of other famous painters where represented by the different galleries. Maybe the upcoming Armory Show will expose me to some affordable paintings.

27 February 2006


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